Putin and Netanyahu to Discuss Syria and Islamic Terror at Climate Change Conference in Paris

putin and netanyahu

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet at the upcoming 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris to discuss the increasing Islamic terror in Syria and across the globe.

In a telephone conversation Wednesday afternoon with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his condolences over the recent crash of a Metrojet plane in the Sinai desert.

The Islamic State (ISIS) immediately claimed responsibility for the incident just over two weeks ago, in which all 224 people on board the Russian airliner were killed. After a lengthy investigation, reportedly assisted by Israeli intelligence, Russia confirmed Tuesday that the plane was blown up by a bomb.

Putin said that Russia’s air campaign in Syria “should not only be continued, but should be intensified so that the criminals realize that retribution is inevitable.”

Putin and Netanyahu are planning to meet at the upcoming climate conference in Paris at the end of the month, where they will discuss the situation in Syria and the growing Islamic terror threat worldwide.

By: Terri Nir, United with Israel

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Source: United with Israel