VIDEO: The World Hates Us But the Nation of Israel Lives Forever!

JEW2 Sing Am Yisrael Chai to Inspire Jews and Oppose BDS and Palestinian Terror Attack with Jewish Unity

In order to promote Israeli unity and strength, a trio of leading musicians has released a new song – Am Israel Chai (the Nation of Israel is alive), and it’s great!

This video is a direct response to the hateful BDS movement, UN resolutions and numerous terror attacks that are plaguing Israel.

Times may be tough, but the Israeli desire for life is infinitely stronger. We will not let terror defeat us.

Popular Isaeli duo Nati Shauish and Aviram Soukron are joined here by Shai Barak, in a band they are calling JEW2.

We hope you enjoy this fun, catchy song! The Nation of Israel will live forever. We’ve got God on our side!

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Israelis are Under Attack. Do You Support Israel?

Want to do something important for Israel? Make a donation to help fight against Palestinian incitement and terror.

The Palestinians’ self-proclaimed knife intifada is the latest result of ongoing incitement against innocent Israelis. Israelis are being stabbed, shot and run over. Yet the world is silent. Help Israel to fight and win the war against terror. The time to act is now!

Now more than ever, Israel needs your help to fight the battle of public opinion. Israel’s enemies are using social media to incite brutal terror against innocent civilians. You can help to remove Facebook pages and Youtube videos calling for the murder of Israelis. The People of Israel need your help to do even more!

Support from true friends of Israel like you make this possible, so please show your support today!


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Source: United with Israel