Media Watchdog Hones in on BBC’s Israel Bias Ahead of Charter Review


With an upcoming United Kingdom governmental review of theBritish Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) charter, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America media watchdog is calling for a change in BBC’s coverage with regards to Israel.

Ahead of an upcoming United Kingdom governmental review of theBritish Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) charter, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) watchdog is spotlighting what it calls the need for the BBC to change course and live up to its mandated standards of impartiality and independent coverage” with regards to Israel.

CAMERA’s BBC Watch initiative is hosting three events on BBC bias in the U.K.—an invitation-only meeting in the country’s parliament on November 9, hosted by lawmaker Mike Freer; a public event November 10 in North London; and a second public event in Manchester on November 12.

“Many prominent speakers will present detailed evidence that BBC coverage of Israel has consistently failed to meet standards set out in the BBC charter,” said Hadar Sela, managing editor of BBC Watch. “TheBBC’s failure is not just distorting public perception of Israel, it’s also having a pernicious impact on how British Jews are treated in the United Kingdom.”


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Source: United with Israel