VIDEO: Jordanian Cleric Is Against Killing Jews (Sort of…)

Jordanian Cleric Explains That Jews Should Not be Killed or Attacked

A Jordanian Muslim cleric Ali Hassan Al-Halabi explained that it is not always permissible to kill Jews in Israel and that Jews don’t attack unless they are attacked.

This video was originally posted on February 18, 2015 but has been circulating again due to the recent terror attacks in Israel.

Although this cleric has no love for the Jews whom he calls “wicked and heretical”, his message is quite different than the recent directives from Muslim clerics to “stab as many Jews as you can”.

While Al-Halabi says that it’s not permissible to just kill Jews, in a time of war he allows it.

He does admit that Jews do not go around killing Muslims unprovoked, as many Palestinians voices have been saying in this last wave of terror.

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Source: United with Israel