Stabbing Attacks in Tel Aviv Suburb and Netanya Cause Serious Injuries

Terror attack in Rishon LeZion

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Several Arab terror attacks occurred on Monday, including stabbings in a Tel Aviv suburb and in Netanya, causing serious injuries.

An Arab terrorist stabbed three people in the city of Rishon LeZion, in the Tel Aviv district, on Monday afternoon, seriously wounding two of the victims. Shortly afterwards, another assailant, as yet unidentified, stabbed an elderly man in the coastal city of Netanya.

The terror attacks were among several that day.

The 19-year-old who attacked in Rishon stabbed his first victim during late afternoon, when the streets were packed. He then stabbed two more people before entering a cosmetics store in search of another target.

A woman who managed to flee the store also locked the door, trapping the assailant inside while waiting for police to arrive. He had to be shielded from crowds screaming for his death.

An 80-year-old woman and 31-year-old man were seriously hurt, and a 26-year-old woman suffered light injuries. Five others were treated for shock.

Hebron, where the terrorist resides, is a hotbed of terror. The attacks, however, have been taking place throughout the country.

On Saturday, a mass funeral for five terrorists was held with the participation of Palestinian Authority (PA) officials, followed by attacks against Israeli security. PA President Mahmoud Abbas this week ordered full military honors at the terrorists’ funerals and financial grants to their families

By: United with Israel Staff

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Source: United with Israel