VIDEO: Detailed Information on Sophisticated Hamas Terror Tunnels

hamas terror tunnel

This video, released by Israeli security, shows the sophistication of the Hamas tunnels that were built in order to kidnap and murder Israelis while increasing the comfort of the terrorists.

The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) acquired vast information about the terror tunnels being built by Hamas, intended for infiltrating Israel in order to abduct and murder IDF soldiers and civilians.

On Thursday, security forces announced that through investigating Mahmoud Atauna, a 29-year-old Hamas terrorist from Gaza, they extracting detailed information about the tunnels leading into Israel and the weaponry contained. The tunnels included comfort features for the terrorists, such as showers, cooking utensils and tables for dining.

Watch this video to see the unbelievable features of Hamas tunnels built only for the purpose of murdering Israelis.


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Source: United with Israel