Two Female Border Police Officers Seriously Injured in Shooting, Stabbing Attack in Jerusalem’s Old City

Magen David Adom paramedics treating the two victims of the February 3, 2016 shooting and stabbing attack near the Damascus Gate. (Photo: @Mdais Official Twitter Feed)

Three Palestinian terrorists carried out a stabbing and shooting terror attack near the Old City’s Damascus Gate in Jerusalem on Wednesday afternoon. Two female Border Police officers were wounded by gunfire, one of them critically.

According to police reports, the terrorists arrived at the gate armed with a rifle, knives and explosive device and immediately aroused the suspicions of a Border Police unit nearby. Officers approached and requested IDs. As one of the terrorists gave the officers his papers, a second pulled out the rifle and began shooting.

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Two female officers were shot and injured, one seriously and one critically. The Border Police unit responded quickly, opening fire and killing two terrorists immediately and fatally wounding the third, who died soon after. 

The three terrorists hailed from the Jenin area in the West Bank, and were aged 19-20.

A suspicious package found in the vicinity was revealed to hold two pipe bombs, which were disposed of by a bomb squad after security forces sealed the scene.

Both Israeli victims were treated at the scene by Magen David Adom and evacuated to the Hadassah University Medical Center. While one of the policewomen is stable, the other is “fighting for her life,” according to a statement made by the head of the hospital.

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Source: Israel in the News