Parents of 18-Month-Old Terror Victim Praying for his Recovery

Terror victim Yotam Sitbon

A baby boy’s leg was crushed in a car-ramming attack last week that wounded 14 people. The child is among the many victims of daily Palestinian terror in Israel.

Among the 14 victims of a vicious car-ramming attack by a Palestinian terrorist at the entrance to Jerusalem on Monday last week was little Yotam Sitbon, an 18-month-old child whose parents made Aliyah (immigration to Israel) from France six years ago.

The toddler, who reportedly lost part of a leg, and a 65-year-old woman were seriously wounded; the rest sustained light-to-moderate injuries.

Security forces eliminated the terrorist, a resident of an Arab neighborhood in Jerusalem, at the scene. They discovered an ax in his car, indicating that he was likely planning to continue assaulting innocent civilians.

The baby, who was with his mother at the time, was evacuated to Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center, where he underwent intensive surgery as doctors worked feverishly to save his leg, a part of which was amputated.

His father, Binyamin Sitbon, said his son “is a hero,” the Algemeiner reported. “It will work out, and he will be able to run again, God willing. My son and my wife were miraculously rescued. I still feel like this is a dream. I never believed such a thing would happened to me. I’m in shock.”

“I hope my son will smile again,” he said.

The baby regained consciousness over the weekend.

In a statement to the Hebrew press on Friday, in an effort to dispel rumors about his son’s condition, Sitbon stated: “We are asking others to respect our privacy on this matter. Yotam is alive, he is smiling and this is a great light for us. We have the utmost faith that soon, God willing, we will be able to return to our lives fully recovered.”

The family is asking the public to continue praying for Yotam and thanked well-wishers for their concern. Friends have been collecting funds to alleviate the burden and help them get through the ordeal as they care for their baby day and night at the hospital. To participate, contact Gad Marelly in Israel at (054) 567- 8900; in France, 0661192429 or 0177507599; or click on the following secure link:

By: Terri Nir, United with Israel

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Source: United with Israel