Korach: The Rod of Aaron
Korach: The Rod of Aaron Hillel says, “Be disciples of Aharon, loving peace, pursuing peace,… Ladder of Jacob
We are passionate about the Word of God. Learn about the biblical faith from its Hebrew context and discover Yeshua (Jesus), the Jewish Messiah of Israel of whom the Law and Prophets spoke.
BeitEmet – House of Truth – Messianic Judaism
"It’s not enough to just follow along with the teaching of someone else. You are responsible for what you believe and that responsibility doesn't diminish just because you took your theology from someone else."Skip Moen
You don’t want to miss this book of essays: it will help you to see the Scriptures in a very different light! Even if you have been a student of the Bible for a long time; even if you know your Bible very well, you will be surprised to find that many familiar Bible stories seem almost unrecognizable when read in Hebrew (or at least, with some Hebrew). Through a deeper understanding of the original Hebrew text, you will discover new and fascinating insights – and these hidden treasures of the Hebrew Scriptures will help you more fully understand God’s original plan for humanity – and for your life.
Come learn the Scriptures from their Jewish perspective. Understand the historical and culture context from which we have been separated for almost 2000 years.
At five years old a person should study the Scriptures, at ten years for the Mishnah, at thirteen for the commandments, at fifteen for the Talmud, at eighteen for the bridechamber, at twenty for one’s life pursuit, at thirty for authority, at forty for discernment, at fifty for counsel, at sixty to be an elder, at seventy for gray hairs, at eighty for special strength (Psalm 90:10), at ninety for decrepitude, and at a hundred a man is as one who has already died and has ceased from the affairs of this world. (Pirkei Avot 5:21)
Korach: The Rod of Aaron Hillel says, “Be disciples of Aharon, loving peace, pursuing peace,… Ladder of Jacob
Vayechi: The Stone with Seven Eyes In Parashat Vayechi (Genesis 47:28-50:26), Yaakov Avinu calls together his… Ladder of Jacob
Naso: The Riddle of Samson In Parashat Naso (Numbers 4:21–7:89), the Torah details the Nazirite… Ladder of Jacob
HaShem spoke unto Moshe, saying: “Tell the people of Israel, ‘In the seventh month, the first day of the month
Parashat Ki Tetze What can lost property teach us about relationships? Parashat Ki Tetze contains seventy-two different mitzvot, the largest number in
This past Saturday was the first day of the Hebrew month of Elul. Elul is very special because it is
An Online Library Exclusive Subscribe to to the Library Biblical Lessons for the Family By Tim Hegg Biblical
This is an Exclusive Online Library Item Subscribe to to the Library The Hanukkah Micro-Course The Maccabee’s success
Week 36 Date: December 29, 2021 Class Handout: Download The post Philippians – Concluding Applications appeared first on TorahResource.