The Traditional Orthodox Rabbis of America (TORA) condemned the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) anti-settlement resolution as racist, comparing Obama, with a “perfect record of failure”, to evil kings like Nebuchadnezzar and Titus.
TORA was formed to focus on the critical task of offering an authentic Torah viewpoint to the media and will help counteract those voices that, as we see it, occasionally distort or dilute the Torah’s message.
The organization issued a strong statement, decrying the UNSC vote on Friday. UNSC Resolution 2334 declared it illegal for Jews to live in Judea, Samaria, the Golan, and the area of Jerusalem surrounding the Temple Mount, inaccurately referred to as East Jerusalem. Barack Obama, the outgoing US president, ordered his UN Ambassador, Samantha Powers, to abstain from the vote and did not issue a US veto, thereby allowing the resolution to pass unaltered.
“UNSC 2334 declared illegal the Jewish presence in the biblical heartland of the land of Israel, the statement read. “This resolution is racist to the core, and leads to the absurdity that Jews must be banned from cities such as Jerusalem, Shiloh, Bet El, Hebron and Bethlehem that have had Jewish residents since ancient times. It is an insult to Jews who possess a God-given right to live in their historic homeland, and who achieved control only through defensive wars – unlike the wars of conquest of those who sat around the table at the Security Council.”
“The resolution is an insult to all who hold the Bible sacred, as their Judeo-Christian legacy is hypocritically erased by the representatives of governments built on the bodies of people they overran in offensive wars of conquest. It is an embarrassment to the UN, which sat by impotently as 500,000 were mercilessly slaughtered in the countries bordering Israel, the only democracy in the region.”
“This resolution perfectly bookends the perfect record of failure of the Obama administration in Allepo, Iran,Benghazi, and now Israel. History will judge harshly those who join the ranks of Nebuchadnezzar and Titus in attempting to expel Jews from their land.”
“We call upon our Christian friends to add their voices of concern for this disrespectful discarding of the Bible, upon which their own foundations rest.”
TORA’s statement brings to mind UN resolution 3379, passed in 1975, which declared that Zionism is racism.
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Source: Israel in the News