Iranian Official: Implementation of Nuclear Deal Contingent on Closure of Investigation Into ‘Military Dimensions’

Reza Najafi

Reza Najafi, Iran’s envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said that Iran’s implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was conditional on the closure of the investigation into the Possible Military Dimensions (PMD) of Iran’s nuclear program.

Najafi made his comments on Tuesday in response to a former US official saying the matter would not be closed, and commented that the P5+1 was committing to resolving the PMD issue, Iran’s pro-regime Mehr News Agency reported.

Najafi noted that according to Article 14 of the JCPOA, the P5+1 had to present a resolution on the matter to the IAEA Board of Governors by December 15.

By: The Algemeiner

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Source: United with Israel