In Brazil, Palestinian Authority Inaugurates Embassy; Israel’s Chosen Envoy Still Rejected

Palestinian Brazil

Pursuing with its diplomatic belligerence towards Jerusalem, Brazil upgraded the Palestinians’ diplomatic status while endangering Israel’s.

Danny Dayan. (Amir Levy/Flash90)

Danny Dayan. (Amir Levy/Flash90)

While Brazil’s government continues to refuse the appointment of Israeli-nominated ambassador Danny Dayan due to his former leadership of the Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria, the Palestinian Authority (PA) inaugurated on Wednesday an embassy and diplomatic mission in the Brazilian capital of Brasilia, despite the fact that the PA is not an officially recognized state in the South American country.

The new embassy is the PA’s first diplomatic mission in the Western hemisphere. The inauguration was led by the PA’s envoy to Brazil, Ibrahim Alzeben, and attended by Brazilian government officials, representatives of Arab countries and members of the local Arab community, Israel’s i24news reported.

“This is the conclusion of a dream of mine that was also a dream of colleagues that came before me in this mission in the last four decades. I hope that this is the beginning of a new phase in relations between Brazil and Palestine, that they can be closer and more diversified. And I hope that Brazil builds its embassy in Palestine, in Jerusalem,” Alzeben said.

Security Concerns Overlooked

The embassy’s building, which was donated by Brazil’s previous government, is large in comparison with other embassies; it spans 1,600 square meters. PA head Mahmoud Abbas attended the cornerstone ceremony in 2011.

MK Tzachi Hanegbi. (Miriam Alster/Flash90)

MK Tzachi Hanegbi. (Miriam Alster/Flash90)

An anonymous military source told Brazil’s Veja magazine last year—before the official inauguration of the Palestinian embassy—that the embassy building’s location is too close to major Brazilian government buildings, such as the Congress and Supreme Court, and that the Palestinian diplomats and their vehicles “cannot be checked.”

“The embassy is a sovereign Hamas area now,” the source said. “The site is strategic. Terrorists could access the whole governmental structure in half an hour.”

In the meantime, Member of Knesset (MK) Tsachi Hanegbi stated on Sunday that he is convinced Dayan has no chance of eventually becoming Israel’s envoy to Brazil.

“It is important not to allow our illusions to result in loss of time. Danny Dayan will not be an ambassador to Brazil. I have no doubt about that,” Hanegbi stated at the beginning of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, which he chairs.

Prime Minister and acting Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is insisting that Brazil accept Danny Dayan as Israel’s envoy to the country and will not offer another candidate, not even at the risk of downgrading diplomatic ties with the South American country.

Hanegbi suggested that the government search for another candidate for the position while appointing Dayan as Israel’s envoy to another country.

By: and United with Israel Staff

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Source: United with Israel