Approximately 2.5 Million Israelis Believe They Will not survive the economic crisis

Towards Independence Day, Galai Communication & PR initiated alongside the Blueberries polling company another “National Moral” poll, which aims to express the publics national temperament in a variety of topics and at the same time produce a basis of attitudes, beliefs and perceptions related to national and personal resilience (the survey is not funded by any political or commercial factor).

The most interesting figure in the survey rises from the question: “Do you think you and your family will survive the economic crisis associated with Corvid-19?” The answer indicates that over a quarter of the population, 26% to be exact, are unsure of their ability to survive the economic crisis.

Another interesting statistic is related to the level of trust in the state institutes managing the crisis, which indicates that trust in the Ministry of Health is rising (4.51 as oppose to 4.29 in the previous survey). It is quite possible that the decline in the number of people infected, and the relatively low number of respired patients, is credited to the Ministry of Health. In contrast, the Ministry of Finance receives the lowest level of confidence in all the bodies managing the crisis (3.88). It is evident that the economic problem is exacerbating the health problem. Exceptions are the IDF that received a slightly higher level of confidence in the current survey (5.6 as oppose to 5.5).

Moreover, with regard to facilitating the restrictions in movement and activity, 54% of respondents feel that the new reliefs in restrictions are irrelevant to them, 40% feel that they are relevant and out of those-only 12% feel that they are very relevant. The findings reflect a true picture of the reality that only a small portion of the population actually benefits from the relief.

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Despite the difficult economic figures, the survey shows that Israeli sentiment of patriotism is strong, the survey participants love Israel, are proud of being Israeli and believe that Israel will overcome the crisis. The question regarding national pride received 5.65 out of 7, while optimism received 5.2 and the question whether Israel will overcome the crisis received 5.4 also out of 7. The overall average of national resilience remained high at 5.3.

Gal Baysberg, CEO and owner of Galai Communication & PR: “I predict that the next time we measure, results will change significantly for the worse. If the State of Israel does not reach into its pockets, quickly and generously, it will face major civil challenges. We can see from the survey that the people are very appreciative of Moshe Bar Siman Tov, despite the media attacks on him and despite criticism of Minister Litzman. At the moment, it seems that the Achilles heel is the ministry of finance. However, for the 72nd Independence Day, we are entering as a strong and united nation.”

Data collection was conducted in the third week of April, just days before Memorial Day and Independence Day and after some reliefs were published in the emergency guidelines. Over the course of four days, 627 respondents, based on a random and representative sample, of the age groups of + 16-65, nationally deployed and both sexes.

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Source: Israel in the News