Yom Kippur Solemnity Marred by Violence and Riots

Clashes between IDF troops and rioting Arab mobs in Dura (Photo by Flash 90)

As Jews prayed on Yom Kippur, Arabs rioted, clashing with police. The alert status was high, as 3,500 policemen reinforced security in and around Jerusalem after a terror attack on Sunday left two dead.

On Tuesday evening, Arabs attacked Israeli police with rocks and Molotov cocktails in Silwan, East Jerusalem. Palestinian sources reported one Arab man, Ali Atef Shuyukhi, was killed in the confrontation, and was buried overnight. Shuyukhi had been released from an Israeli jail a few months ago after serving a long prison term.

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A police spokesman said the rioting “was directly targeting the force and substantially endangered the lives of the soldiers.”

Arabs also attacked Israeli Security forces in the Jabal Mukaber neighborhood of East Jerusalem and Issawiya, throwing Molotov cocktails and shooting fireworks. The police responded with crowd-dispersal measures.

IDF troops in Na’ilin, west of Ramallah, were shot at on Tuesday evening. No one was injured in the incident.

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Source: Israel in the News