Winter Weather Arrives in Israel With Warnings

The Dome of the Rock and the Old City of Jerusalem seen from Mount of Olives seen on the third day of a major snow storm that hit the capital region on Saturday, December 14, 2013. (Photo: Nati Shohat/Flash 90)

Just in time for Hanukkah on Sunday evening, Israel is going to be hit by winter weather.  An unusually cold front is going to arrive over Shabbat. The lack of humidity will prevent it from bringing snow or precipitation and it is expected to remain sunny throughout the weekend. Strong winds are predicted all over Israel.  Temperatures will rise slightly on Sunday, though it seems that winter has truly arrived in the Holy Land.

The Israel Electric Company said in a statement, “We are prepared for any and every emergency and we will ensure that the power stays on.”

Magen David Adom (MDA) released a series of advisories.

“Care should be taken to strengthen the ties of various objects outside, such as patio chairs and tables, lamps, clotheslines, and toys, in order not to affect pedestrians. It is important to be careful while opening and closing windows due to the high winds, as they may slam shut suddenly.”

Keep Israel's Defenders Warm this Winter

Residents are warned to take care that heaters are safe and kept away from flammable items. Also, kerosene heaters should only be used if they are in good working order and in well-ventilated areas. Care should be taken to check for signs of carbon-monoxide poisoning, such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, weakness.

The public is also warned to beware of hypothermia, particularly among the elderly. Signs include trembling, decreased or irregular heart rate, slow breathing, and pale or bluish skin.

MDA advises to dress victims warmly and keep them warm and dry until medical help can arrive. Frostbite should be treated with lukewarm water.

MDA volunteers will be handing out sleeping bags and blankets to the homeless around Israel.

Kind-hearted Israelis may pay special attention to the less fortunate who will especially appreciate a warm meal, warm clothing, and any other kind gesture to help them though a difficult time.


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Source: Israel in the News