Wife of Terror Victim Embraces Policewomen Who Mistakenly Shot Him While Aiming for Terrorist

rivlin visits shiva for terror victim

“I have no anger toward you,” said the wife of a terror victim to the Border Policewomen who accidentally shot him while trying to neutralize a terrorist. “You are like daughters to me.”

The widow of a terror victim who was killed by friendly fire last Wednesday told the border policewomen who accidentally shot him that she harbors no ill feeling towards them and that it was not their fault, Arutz-7 reported.

Ofer Ben Ari, a 46-year-old father of two, had noticed two terrorists stabbing passersby outside Jaffa Gate, at the entrance to the Old City. He rushed out of his car to try and stop them bare-handed.

“Caught in the crossfire of the Border Police officers, he was killed by a stray bullet,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated. He succumbed to his wounds at Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

“I have no anger toward you,” Ben Ari’s widow, Yifat, told the officers who came to see her and her two daughters Tuesday evening. “You did exactly what you needed to do to save lives. You are like daughters to me.”

“I want you to start on a new path and not look backward, only forward. What happened to you could have happened to my daughter or anyone else,” she added.

The meeting took place at Internal Security Minister Gilad Erdan’s office in Jerusalem, who described Ben Ari as “a hero of Israel. He acted on behalf of values we believe in. We’ve lost someone very dear and noble.”

By: United with Israel Staff
[With files from Arutz-7]

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Source: United with Israel