WATCH: US Senator Rubio Warns of Dangers of Nuclear Iran

Senator Marco Rubio Makes Historical Speech about Iran Nuclear Deal

For the sake of having his words recorded for historical purposes, US Senator Marco Rubio spoke out against the Iran nuclear deal, warning of its dangerous consequences.

Rubio understands the situation with Iran clearly and is speaking out with a grave warning.

The Iran Nuclear deal is a tragedy with consequences that can devastate the US, Israel and the entire world.

This is a warning that was made almost prophetically, made for the simple purpose of having such strong words recorded.

Let us hope and pray that Iran will NOT be given the ability to destroy the world.

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Sign the Petition to Oppose the Nuclear Deal with Iran

The US Congress must reject the dangerous deal with Iran and ensure that sanctions remain in force until the nuclear threat is completely eliminated.

I strongly oppose any deal with Iran that allows for easing sanctions before the nuclear threat has been completely eliminated. Allowing Iran to enrich uranium without being subject to ‘anytime, anywhere’ inspections is extremely dangerous and unacceptable. This bad deal with Iran is far worse than no deal and must be rejected.

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Source: United with Israel