[WATCH] Protesters Burn Flag of Israel at Democratic Convention, Chant "Long Live the Intifada"

Protesters burn the Israeli flag outside of the Wells Fargo Center where the Democratic National Convention is being held this week. (Photo: Twitter)

“Protesters are burning an Israeli flag (right) now in front of the secure perimeter and chanting ‘intifada,’” Reporter Byron Tau tweeted on his personal Twitter account in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

As the second day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia came to a close, with an official endorsement by Bernie Sanders for presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, thousands of protesters gathered outside the Wells Fargo Center, where the convention is being held, and initiated near-violent demonstrations.

Ignoring calls by Sanders to join with Clinton to defeat rival GOP candidate Donald Trump, the activists took to the streets to protest support for the Vermont senator throughout the day.

In the video clips that are being uploaded to YouTube and Twitter, viewers can see a woman, who covered her face with a black bandanna in a method similar to that of Hamas militants, set an Israeli flag on fire while people around her chant “Long live the intifada!” and “Death to the US”. A man can also be seen wearing a terrorist kerchief, while offscreen another woman waved a Palestinian flag. 

American flags were also thrown in to be incinerated.

USA News reporter Steven Nelson addded in his own tweet that when they ran out of flags, the activists from Democracy Spring took to burning “Bernie signs” and that the cops weren’t attempting to stop the fires.

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As convention attendees inside the Wells Fargo Center awaited the announcement that Clinton had clinched the nomination for Democratic presidential candidate, the protesters outside entered intense clashes with police. Some people began scaling eight-foot-high walls that served to block off the secure zone around the arena parking lot. Ultimately, police detained more than 50 people gave them all citations for disorderly conduct.

Lest objective viewers believe the only outward Palestinian support during the event remained outside the convention’s doors, images uploaded to Twitter showed audience members proudly holding the Palestinian flag, while others carried signs and bore stickers that read “I support Palestinian human rights.”

That Senator Bernie Sanders loyalists exhibited rabid anti-Israel sentiment comes as no surprise; during his own campaign trail, their self-determined ‘hero’ expressed on numerous occasions his own negative opinions towards the Jewish state.

In March, Bernie blamed Israel for 60 years of “hatred and conflict that exists in the Middle East”, hinting to voters that the decades-long violence was initiated by the establishment of the Jewish state.

Less than a month later, during an interview with the New York Daily News, Senator Sanders estimated Israeli Defense Forces had caused “some 10,000 Palestinian civilian deaths” when it launched “indiscriminate” attacks against the residents of Gaza. Despite heavy criticism by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and former Israeli ambassador to the US Michael Oren, Bernie remained unapologetic.

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Source: Israel in the News