WATCH: Masked Muslims Greet Jewish New Year by Attacking Jews on Temple Mount


Israeli policemen were attacked on the Temple Mount by a dozens of violent Muslim youths, hours before the onset of Rosh Hashana – the Jewish New Year.

In honor of Rosh Hashana, masked Palestinian youths were seen attacking Israelis with firebombs, flares and stones this morning. Israeli police were prepared and responded with tear gas and stun grenades, until the violence subsided.

The goal was to prevent Jews from visiting the holiest site in Judaism on the eve of the Jewish New Year.

While Israel provides full access to the holy sites of all religions, Jews are often terrorized by Muslims who do everything in their power to keep Jews away from Jewish holy sites.

See it for yourself below. It is a disgrace that this routinely happens in the holy city of Jerusalem – the capital of Israel.

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Source: United with Israel