Wanted Palestinian Terrorist Murdered in PA Embassy in Bulgaria

Palestinian terrorist Omar Nayef Zayed

Authorities are probing the murder of a Palestinian terrorist who apparently was shot inside the Palestinian embassy in Bulgaria, where he had taken refuge.

Bulgarian authorities are investigating the apparent shooting death inside the Palestinian Authority’s embassy in Sofia on Friday of a Palestinian wanted by Israel for a 1986 terror attack in Jerusalem, which claimed the life of a young yeshiva student.

The embassy identified the dead man as Omar Nayef Zayed, who took refuge there late last year, fearing extradition to Israel.

The Bulgarian prosecutor’s office said they were told by the embassy Friday morning of a death resulting from violence on the territory of the embassy. The Palestinian ambassador granted access to the investigators.

Zayed, 52, escaped from Israeli custody 25 years ago and has lived in Sofia since 1994. He was convicted of the murder of an Israeli man in Jerusalem’s Old City and given a life sentence.

Abbas Condemns Killing of Terrorist

The official Palestinian news agency WAFA said PA President Mahmoud Abbas has ordered an investigation committee to go to Bulgaria immediately and probe the circumstances. The PA leader was quoted as condemning the killing of the terrorist, claiming that Israel was involved – which Jerusalem flatly denied.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) said Zayed was a member of their organization and that – together with his brother Ahmed and another Palestinian terrorist – he stabbed an Israeli in 1986 and received a life sentence.

Ahmed Zayed and the other terrorist involved in the deadly terror attack were among those released in a 2011 swap for Israeli soldier Gilad Schalit.

By: AP and United with Israel Staff

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PA head Abbas and Hamas leader Haniyeh together.

PA head Abbas and Hamas leader Haniyeh together.

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Source: United with Israel