VIDEO: ‘We’re Staying Here Forever,’ Bennett Tells CNN after Kerry’s Speech

naftali bennett

The Jewish people will remain forever in its ancient homeland, and the State of Israel will never allow the creation of a new terror state in Judea and Samaria, Bennett declared.

No one in their right mind would agree to allowing the Palestinians to create yet another terror state like Gaza in Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel, Education Minister Naftali Bennett told CNN in an interview that followed US Secretary of State John Kerry’s address at the State Department on his vision for a two-state solution.

Judea and Samaria has been a Jewish state for roughly 3,300, years, well before the first Americans reached the new continent, Bennett, head of the Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) party told CNN anchor Jake Tapper.

In the somewhat hostile interview, Tapper asked how Israel can remain Jewish and democratic if it continues to “occupy” the Palestinian people. “How do you solve that problem? How would that work?”

Is Israel not isolating itself when the entire international community thinks that “settlements” are an impediment to peace? Tapper asked.

Click on the video and listen to Bennett’s strong statements, telling the truth about Israel and its importance to the free world, especially to the US, where, he said, the bond between the American and Israeli people runs much deeper than one administration or another.

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Source: United with Israel