VIDEO: US State Dept. Overreacts After Netanyahu Slams Idea of Palestinian State Ethnically Cleansed of Jews

ethnic cleansing

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly challenged the notion that settlements are an obstacle to peace, accusing the Palestinians, as well as some enlightened nations around the world, of working to ethnically cleanse Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem of Jews.

PM Netanyahu publicly challenged the lie that “settlements”, otherwise known as Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, are an obstacle to peace.

He made clear that the real obstacle to peace is the outrageous fact that the Palestinians, and enlightened nations around the world, are calling for the ethnic cleansing of the Jewish people.

The US State Department, overreacting to Netanyahu’s remarks, responded harshly, claiming Netanyahu’s remarks were “inappropriate and unhelpful.”

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The U.S. State Department’s Reponse

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Source: United with Israel