VIDEO: Trump’s Declaration ‘Not Worth the Urine of a Jerusalem Child,’ says Abbas Adviser

Mahmoud Al-Habbash (Wikimedia Commons)

Is the Palestinian Authority a moderate peace partner, as so many claim. Witness the vulgarity and belligerence of a senior official and then decide!

Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ adviser on Religious and Islamic Affairs and head of the Supreme Council for Shari’ah Justice, insists that Jerusalem is the capital of ‘Palestine’ forever.

US President Donald Trump’s recognition of the holy city as the capital of Israel is “not worth the urine of one Jerusalem child,” he states.

Watch the video to see the vulgar, aggressive Abbas adviser show the true face of the Palestinians, considered by the European Union and other countries around the world as a moderate peace partner.

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Source: United with Israel