VIDEO: The New Israeli Warplane that Makes its Enemies Shiver


Israel’s security cabinet recently announced it will purchase an additional F-35 advanced F-35 fighter jets from Lockheed Martin. The State of Israel will own 50 such planes.

“The F-35 (in Hebrew, the Adir) is not just another plane,” says a senior IDF official. “If, until now, we were in the third or fourth generation of planes, this one is not only a fifth generation plane – it is a leap of many generations forward. There is no plane with such capabilities in the world, and Israel will be the first country in the world to have such an advanced plane in operational use.”

Lieutenant Colonel Yotam, the Squadron leader of the F-35 planes who was involved in upgrading the F-16 Sufah planes, says that the F-35’s avionics capabilities, as well as the amount and quality of its sensors, place it in a class of its own.

Click below to view this amazing fighter jet that is making Israel’s enemies shiver.

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Israeli Towns Destroyed by Fire. Can You Help?

As a result of raging wildfires that ripped throughout the Land of Israel, causing the destruction of houses, schools and entire towns, over 80,000 Israelis have been evacuated from their homes.

The stunning news that many fires were the result of arson perpetrated by Israel’s ‘enemies within’ has sent shock waves and fear throughout the land.

Do you want to provide relief to Israel’s tragic victims of deadly arson terror? You can make a donation to help victims who lost everything in these devastating fires.

Please contribute to our Emergency Fire Relief Campaign to ease the pain of families who have suffered so much.

The People of Israel need your help right now. Please show your support today!


Source: United with Israel