VIDEO: The Greatest Miracle in History is the Existence of the Jewish People

Waving Israeli flag in Old City, Jerusalem

We are witnessing before our eyes an even greater miracle than the parting of the Red Sea – the existence of the Jewish people and the thriving State of Israel.

The continued existence of the Jewish People throughout history is perhaps the biggest “wonder” since creation, South Africa’s Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein explains.

Nation after nation threatens to destroy the Jewish People, yet they all fade away into oblivion, while the Jewish people – and the Jewish state – survive and thrive.

The words of the Passover Haggadah are a remarkable prophecy. As we say each year at the Passover Seder, “In very generation they rise up against us to destroy us, but the Holy One Blessed Be He saves us from their hands.”

Watch this powerful video featuring the wisdom and insight of Rabbi Goldstein and the inspiring music of Yaakov Shwekey. The combination will surely touch your soul.

Passover Articles


Source: United with Israel