VIDEO: Muslim Slams Anti-Jewish Muslim Propaganda

Muslim Slams Islamic Propaganda Against Israel and Jewish People

The Muslim man in this video bravely stands up against Muslim propaganda that blames Jews for all the bad things extremist Muslims do on the world stage. 

It’s extremely important to keep in mind that the song presented in this video is a satire. It is not serious.

What this guy has decided to do is confront a prevalent tendency in the Muslim world which places the blame for ISIS, 9/11 and other tragedies on Jews or Israel, rather than acknowledge the true Muslim roots.

He’s urging the Muslim community to own up to its own problems and the extremists within it and simply “do better”.

We commend the gentleman in this video and appreciate what he’s done here. Let’s hope his message is well-received by those who need to hear it.

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Source: United with Israel