VIDEO: Moving US Embassy to Jerusalem a ‘Declaration of War’ on Muslims, Says Abbas Adviser

Mahmoud Al-Habbash

If the US moves its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, it will be a “declaration of war on all Muslims,” says a senior PA official.

Delivering a Friday sermon on official Palestinian Authority (PA) TV, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, adviser on Religious and Islamic Affairs to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, said that “occupied Jerusalem is our eternal capital” and that the Muslim world will not stand idly by if the US moves its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

“There can be no compromises,” he stated. Such an act will “not pass in silence.”

Click below and listen to his threatening words as well as his lies, claiming that Jerusalem, the ancient capital of the Jewish people, is the eternal Muslim capital and that it would be open to all monotheists under PA rule.

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Source: United with Israel