VIDEO: In Montreal, Imam Calls to Murder Jews – ‘Human Demons’

Jordanian Sheikh Muhammad bin Musa Al Nasr at Dar al-Arqam mosque in Montreal

A Jordanian Muslim cleric recently delivered a sermon in Montreal, inciting his audience to murder Jews as an Islamic duty.

In a sermon given on Dec. 23, 2016, at Dar al-Arqam mosque in Montreal’s Saint-Michel neighborhood, Sheikh Muhammad bin Musa Al Nasr described Jews as “the most evil of mankind” and “human demons,” quoting Islamic sources calling to kill all Jews.

The imam, a Jordanian, reportedly was an invited guest of the mosque.

On Monday, B’nai Brith Canada, a Jewish human rights organization, filed a complaint with Montreal police regarding the incitement.

Recent data has concluded that Jews are the most targeted group in Canada.

Click below and listen the vile words of an Islamic religious leader in a major Canadian city.


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Source: United with Israel