VIDEO: How Dictators Hijacked UNESCO to Persecute Israel

Syrian dictator Bashar Assad (Facebook page via AP)

While UNESCO professes an admirable mission, it has amassed a terrible record of discrimination, hate-mongering, and distortion of history.

UNESCO’s mission is to promote education, science and culture, but UN Watch director Hillel Neuer says the dictators who run the agency have diverted the organization’s hefty budget to instead:

1. Adopt 46 resolutions against Israel, including resolutions denying the Jewish historical connection to Jerusalem and Hebron, with only 1 resolution on Syria and none on Iran, Sudan, North Korea, or any other country during a 6-year period.

2. Elect Syria’s Assad to the Human Rights Committee.

3. Honor Che Guevara, who led the first firing squads of the Cuban Revolution and founded dissident “labor camps.”

4. Create a $3 million prize named for Teodoro Mbasogo, the dictator of Equitorial Guinea who says he “can decide to kill” anyone he wants because he is in “permanent contact” with God.

5. Support “World Philosophy Day” to be hosted by Iran.

Watch as Neuer sums up the history and reasoning behind US withdrawal from the organization.

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Source: United with Israel