VIDEO: ‘Hezbollah is Putting Your Lives in Danger,’ Netanyahu Tells Lebanese People

UNIFIL terror tunnel Hezbollah

“I have a message for the people of Lebanon: Hezbollah is putting your lives in danger,” Netanyahu stated in a new video message.

This week the IDF launched Operation Northern Shield to expose and neutralize a network of Hezbollah terror tunnels running from southern Lebanon into Israeli territory.

Hezbollah is an Iranian proxy, and the tunnels were built with direct support and funding by the Islamic Republic. Their sole purpose was to commit terror attacks against Israel.

As Netanyahu explains in this video, released Thursday, the tunnel-building also puts the Lebanese people in grave danger.

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I have a message for the people of Lebanon

I have a message for the people of Lebanon: Hezbollah is putting your lives in danger.

Posted by ‎Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו‎ on Tuesday, December 4, 2018

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Source: United with Israel