VIDEO: ‘Evil Jews’ are ‘Wild Apes, Miserable Pigs Destined for Humiliation,’ Chants Palestinian Girl

hate poem

How can one even dream of peace in the Middle East when Palestinian youth are brainwashed with such hatred?

During a conference held in Gaza on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on November 29, a Palestinian girl recited a poem that referred to Jews as “wild apes, miserable pigs, and evil creatures destined for humiliation.”

She said that they are like herds of stupid cattle, and that Jerusalem “spits out [their] filth” because it is a pure virgin.

She added, “I do not fear the rifle, as long as I have my arm and my stones. I will not sell out the Palestinian cause.”

The conference was aired on Qatar’s Al-Jazeera TV.

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Source: United with Israel