VIDEO: 70,000 Support Israel at Rally in India

Pro-Israel rally India

Banners stating support for Israel at a rally in India, attended by 70,000, included, “Jerusalem: Eternal Capital of Israel.”

Vijeta Uniyal, an Indian journalist based in Europe, addressed an anti-radical Islam, pro-Israel rally Wednesday in Calcutta, India, attended by an estimated 70,000 people.

Zionism is the Jewish liberation movement and it inspired the people of India, Uniyal told the crowd.

When anti-Semitism is on the rise in Europe and radical Islam attacks Jews and Israelis, hundreds of millions of Indians are standing with Israel, he stated.

The rally marked the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Hindu Samhati nationalist movement. Banners stating support for Israel included, “Jerusalem: Eternal Capital of Israel.”

Watch the video and listen to Uniyal’s inspiring words.

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Sign the Declaration to Keep Jerusalem United

Ramadan Shalah sings Jerusalem Song

Jerusalem Must Remain the United Capital of Israel

I declare that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish People and support all efforts to maintain and strengthen a united Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel.


Source: United with Israel