US Congressmen to Israeli Legislators: We Will Continue Supporting Israel’s Security

Congressmen at the Knesset

On a visit to Israel, a bipartisan delegation of six senior US Congressmen vowed to stand by Israel and assist in its security.

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein hosted on Monday a bipartisan delegation of six senior US Congressmen, who vowed to ensure the US’ continued support for Israel’s security.

”We thank you for your contribution and efforts for the sake of Israel’s security,” Edelstein told his guests, Mike Rogers (R-MI), Joe Wilson (R-SC), Steven Palazzo (R- MS),  Randy Neugebauer (R- TX), Billy Long (R- MO) and John Larson (D-CT).

All the representatives are known for supporting Israel and are members of important congressional committees such as the Appropriations Committee, the Committee on Armed Services and the Ways and Means Committee, which are entrusted with allocating financial aid to Israel.

“Sadly, the United States is also experiencing terror, and we are all together fighting against it with all the means at our disposal,” said Edelstein.

He also addressed the Iranian threat and stated that “all there is to do now is try to get as much as possible from the agreement that was signed with Iran. But also, if only one percent of the money that Iran acquires will reach Hezbollah, we are speaking of huge amounts of money and must prevent it as much as possible.”

Member of Knesset Michael Oren, Chairman of the Subcommittee for Foreign Policy and Israel’s former ambassador to Washington, participated in the meeting and added that “we thank you more than can be described for your efforts for the benefit of Israel, also for [Congress`] approval of the funding of the Iron Dome [missile interception system]. But in the next war, if it occurs, we will need from you a diplomatic ‘Iron Dome’ as well.”

The Iron Dome anti-rocket system has been successful in shooting down rockets and preventing Israeli deaths with a 90% success rate during Operation Protective Edge, an improvement of the 84% success rate achieved during Operation Pillar of Defense.

The Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee approved a defense spending bill in July 2014 that provides $621.6 million for Israeli missile defense development and production, including $351 million for the Iron Dome system that intercepts short-range rockets and mortars.

Congressman Rogers, who headed the delegation, told his hosts that “the need for security in Israel is clear and there are no disputes. We shall continue assisting you on the matter.” His words were echoed by the rest of the Congressmen who were present at the meeting.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

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Source: United with Israel