US Ambassador Nikki Haley Presents a Blessing and a Curse to Palestinian Leadership

US Ambassador to the United Nations (UN), Nikki Haley told Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday that his leadership must choose between a path of absolutist demands, hateful rhetoric, and incitement to violence and another path of negotiation and compromise.

“There’s the path of absolutist demands, hateful rhetoric, and incitement to violence,” she said at a UN Security Council briefing. “That path has led and will continue to lead to nothing but hardship for the Palestinian people.”

“There’s the path of negotiation and compromise,” she continued. “History has shown that path to be successful for Egypt and Jordan, including the transfer of territory. That path remains open to the Palestinian leadership if only it is courageous enough to take it.”

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For his part, Abbas suggested at the UN Security Council on Tuesday that a “multilateral” approach be used to mediate a peace process between Israel and the Palestinians, instead of the US.

Although Abbas left the chamber after his speech, Ambassador Haley addressed the balance of her remarks to the PA chairman.

‘I Will Not Shut Up’

After reiterating the US alliance with the state of Israel, Haley presented the Palestinian Authority with an opportunity to proceed down a path of tranquility.

“I sit here today offering the outstretched hand of the United States to the Palestinian people in the cause of peace,” she said. “We are fully prepared to look to a future of prosperity and co-existence.”

“But I will decline the advice I was recently given by your top negotiator, Saeb Erekat,” Haley continued. “I will not shut up. Rather, I will respectfully speak some hard truths.”

Haley recognized the PA’s displeasure with the decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem.

“You don’t have to like that decision. You don’t have to praise it. You don’t even have to accept it. But know this: that decision will not change,” she told Abbas.

Once again, Haley laid out the two alternative paths that lie ahead for Palestinians:

“You can choose to denounce the United States, reject the U.S. role in peace talks, and pursue punitive measures against Israel in international forums like the UN. I assure you that path will get the Palestinian people exactly nowhere toward the achievement of their aspirations,” she stressed.

“Or, you can choose to put aside your anger about the location of our embassy, and move forward with us toward a negotiated compromise that holds great potential for improving the lives of the Palestinian people,” said Haley.

‘The Choice Abbas is Yours’

Haley emphasized that while the US continues to extend its hand to the PA, it remains the decision of Abbas and his leadership to decide to negotiate with the US.

“Our negotiators are sitting right behind me, ready to talk. But we will not chase after you. The choice, Mr. (Abbas) is yours.”

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Source: Israel in the News