Unearthing the 2900-Year-Old Gate of Lachish


The Israel Antiquities Authority’s has now fully excavated the 8th Century BCE (1st Temple period) Lachish city gate near Mount Hebron; The Israel Antiquities Authority has recovered a papyrus from the time of the 1st Temple documenting a wine shipment from Na’artah to Jerusalem, and much more. 

By: Michael Ordman



Unearthing the 2900-year-old gate of Lachish

The Israel Antiquities Authority’s has now fully excavated the 8th Century BCE (1st Temple period) Lachish city gate near Mount Hebron. They say that it may prove King Hezekiah’s Biblically-recorded efforts to abolish idol worship in the region.

The earliest non-Biblical mention of Jerusalem

The Israel Antiquities Authority has recovered a papyrus from the time of the 1st Temple (7th century BCE) documenting a wine shipment from Na’artah to Jerusalem. This is the earliest extra-biblical source to mention Jerusalem in Hebrew writing. The papyrus was written by a woman administrator in the Kingdom of Judah. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/219379

Exiled Spanish & Portuguese Jews are returning home

The Aliya to Israel of some of the 100 million plus Bnei Anusim (descendants of Sephardi Jews forced to convert to Christianity) could be larger than the return of the “lost tribe” of Ethiopian Jews. Many are discovering their Jewish roots and connecting with Israel.

Recreating the sound of the High Priest

A garment bell that a High Priest would have worn on his robes when administering in the Temple’s Holy of Holies was discovered in the City of David. The sound of all 72 bells has now been recreated, so you can hear exactly what it would have sounded like on Yom Kippur 3000 years ago.


Niece of Fatah founder tattooed “Israel” on her back

Sandra Solomon is the niece of Saher Habash, one of the founders of the Fatah party. Born in Ramallah, raised in Saudi Arabia, moved to Canada and converted to Christianity. She now loves the State of Israel so much, she had “Israel” in Hebrew tattooed across her shoulder blades.


The rains have arrived

Three days following commencement of the prayers for rain, thunderstorms arrived in Israel. Whilst central areas experienced scattered showers, the south had flash floods and strong rain that temporarily closed Eilat airport. 32 mm of rain fell in Eilat, 10 mm more than the yearly seasonal average.

1000-year-old Muslim inscription confirms site of Jewish Temple

Archaeologists have located a 10th century CE inscription above a mihrab-prayer niche in an active mosque in the village of Nuba, near Hebron. It states that the original name of the Dome of the Rock was Beit al Makdis (in Arabic), Beit Hamikdash (in Hebrew) or Temple (in English).



Click here for all of this week’s Good News from Israel.

Source: United with Israel