UN Envoy Politely Asks Hamas Not to Hold Public Executions

A public execution in Gaza carried out by Hamas. (Screenshot)

After news broke that the terrorist organization Hamas was planning to instate public executions for criminals in the Gaza Strip, the United Nations’ envoy for the Middle East expressed “alarm” and politely requested that Hamas refrain from carrying out the brazen open-air killings.

Nikolay Mladenov, UN’s special coordinator for the Middle East peace process, made a statement by video conference to the UN’s Security Council in New York, “urging” Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas not to allow the death penalty.

However, as Hamas rules Gaza and Abbas is the head of Fatah, he is unlikely to hold much influence over the terror group’s decisions or activities.

“I urge Hamas not to carry out these executions and I call on President Abbas to establish a moratorium on the implementation of the death penalty,” Mladenov requested, in usual impotent UN fashion.

UN envoy to the Middle East Nickolay Mladenov. (Wikimedia Commons/Ottokars)
UN envoy to the Middle East Nickolay Mladenov Wikimedia CommonsOttokars

“International law limits the application of the death penalty to the ‘most serious crimes’ and pursuant to a trial and appeals process that scrupulously follow fair trial standards,” he continued, adding that he had “serious doubts” about whether Gazan trials met those standards.

These doubts are likely shared by anyone who has heard about the Hamas practice of sending masked hitmen to hunt down and shoot dead so-called Israel “collaborators” in the streets.

Hamas’s declaration of upcoming public executions “raises alarms”, said the envoy, gently reminding the Security Council that public executions are prohibited under international human rights laws, which, up until now, Hamas has clearly observed very scrupulously by inciting mass violence against Jews, digging illegal tunnels into Israel to carry out terror attacks, positioning arms caches and missile launchers in civilian areas, and kidnapping IDF soldiers.

Surprisingly, Mladenov’s speech was more critical of Hamas than Israel, a rather unusual occurrence at the UN, whose anti-Israel bias its members no longer struggle to conceal.

Mladenov also requested that the “individuals” and “groups” in Gaza who control such things ensure that the tons of cement currently being allowed into the Strip are used for rebuilding homes and creating infrastructure rather than for expanding Hamas’s intricate network of terror tunnels or other “military purposes.”

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“All sides need to ensure that cement is used for civilian purposes only. Individuals or groups seeking to benefit from the deviation of construction materials – for corruption, for building tunnels, or other reasons – must understand that they selfishly compound the suffering of their own people and sow the seeds of future violence,” he said, appealing to Hamas’s soft side.

Of course, no UN speech on the Middle East is complete without blaming Israel.

“Palestinians in Gaza are growing ever more desperate, seeing their prospects for living a normal life and recovering their economy blocked by Hamas’s military build up, by Israel’s security measures and closures,” Mladenov warned.

He also bemoaned the “insufficient fulfillment of aid pledges by donors”.

The PA has received approximately $25 billion in aid from the US, Europe, the UN, and several other agencies over the past 20 years, but this was obviously insufficient.

The UN’s mild concerns over Hamas’s public executions of criminals come as somewhat of a joke after the international body rabidly and repeatedly accused Israel of “excessive use of force” terrorists committing violent attacks against Israelis over the course of the recent terror wave. UN officials seemed to prefer that IDF soldiers and security personnel refrain from trying to protect innocent Jewish civilians at the expense of their oppressed terrorist attackers.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (Photo: Drop of Light / Shutterstock.com)
UN Secretary General Ban Ki moon Photo Drop of Light Shutterstockcom

Of course, the story should come as no surprise to those who monitor the UN’s absurdly blatant bias against the Jewish state. The UN’s Human Rights Council has condemned Israel a total of 61 times. For contrast, it has issued a total of 55 condemnations against every other country in the world – combined.

The UN also has a long history of coddling the Palestinian cause and blaming Israel for any infraction committed by the Palestinian leadership or population, as evidenced by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon’s assertion that “it is human nature to react to occupation” in response to the rise of terror in Israel.

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Source: Israel in the News