Two Israeli Women Injured, One Critically, in Palestinian Terror Attack in Samaria

Palestinian terror

Palestinian terrorists stabbed two Israeli women at a supermarket, wounding both – one critically. Security forces also found four explosives while scouting the area.

Two women were stabbed and wounded by two Palestinian terrorists late afternoon on Monday at a supermarket in Beit Horon in the Benjamin region – just off Highway 443, between Jerusalem and Modi’in. One was critically injured.

A security guard shot and killed both terrorists.

Both women were stabbed in the upper body and rushed to Jerusalem hospitals, Magen David Adom paramedics said. The critically wounded victim, 23, was taken to Hadassah University Medical Center; the other, 58, is being treated at Shaare Zedek.

“When we arrived at the scene they led us to a woman…who was unconscious and suffered stab wounds to her upper body. We put her in the intensive care ambulance and administered life-saving treatment,”  senior MDA medic Lior Levy said, adding that her condition was “very serious.”

While checking the area of the attack, security forces discovered two suspicious objects and called a sapper to the scene, while warning people to remain indoors. The objects were pipe bombs, as well as two more that were found in the vicinity.

The terrorists were later identified as Ibrahim Alaan, 23, and Hassin Abu Gush, 17 – both residents of a nearby Palestinian village.

“My thoughts and prayers are with those wounded and fighting for their lives after the severe terror attack at Beit Horon,” President Reuven Rivlin stated to the press. “These difficult times are fraught with confrontation and we will overcome. We will continue to fight against terrorism and the incitement which drives it. In the face of terror, we choose life.”

By: Terri Nir, United with Israel

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Source: United with Israel