Trump’s New National Security Adviser Chief Lauded as a ‘True Friend of Israel’

President Trump’s new appointee to the post of chief of the National Security Adviser, John Bolton, is being lauded by senior Israeli politicians as a true friend of Israel.

Bolton, a former United States Ambassador to the United Nations, is replacing H.R. McMaster, who was fired on Thursday via Twitter.

Bolton is viewed as being hawkish and is a vocal critic of the Obama-brokered deal with Iran concerning their nuclear program. He has advocated pre-emptive military strikes on hostile countries with developing nuclear weapons programs, such as North Korea and Iran.

In 2017, Bolton criticised Secretary of State John Kerry for his anti-settlement stance, saying the two-state solution was no longer viable.

“Just as a matter of empirical reality, the two-state solution is dead,” Bolton told Breitbart Radio after a speech by Kerry criticizing Israel. “That’s about the only thing John Kerry came close to getting right. The notion that this is simply consistent with prior U.S. policy, which is the Obama administration line, is flatly incorrect.”

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He is also a harsh critic of the Palestinian leadership. He expressed these views unequivocally last year during a ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem.

“We have reached the end of the illusion that began in 1964 with the establishment of the PLO, which created a feeling that it is the Palestinian alternative,” Bolton said. “The issue here is not in the borders but in the nature of the state that will be alongside Israel which will be a state of terror, so it should not be.”

Last year, he criticized President Trump for withholding the veto of an anti-Israel resolution in the United Nations, saying he “stabbed Israel in the front” and that the measure was “clearly intended to tip the peace process toward the Palestinians.”

Bolton has also advocated placing Gaza under Egyptian rule and Judea and Samaria be placed under Jordanian rule.

“The only logic underlying the demand for a Palestinian state is the political imperative of Israel’s opponents to weaken and encircle the Jewish state, thereby minimizing its potential to establish secure and defensible borders,” he wrote in a Washington Times editorial. “As long as Washington’s diplomatic objective is the ‘two-state solution’ — Israel and ‘Palestine’ — the fundamental contradiction between this aspiration and the reality on the ground will ensure it never comes into being.”

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked (Jewish Home) praised Trump’s choice.

President Trump continues to appoint true friends of Israel to senior positions,” the Justice Minister said to the media on Friday. “John Bolton is one of the most obvious examples. It is an excellent choice. Bolton is very experienced and thinks outside of the box. The Trump administration is increasingly showing itself to be the most supportive [administration] of Israel ever.”

Education Minister and the leader of the Jewish Home party, Naftali Bennett, tweeted his praise.

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, praised Bolton as a “true friend of Israel going back many years, someone with a great deal of knowledge about the inner workings of the government.”

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Source: Israel in the News