Trump’s Israel Ambassador Calls Out Palestinian Authority For Not Condemning Terror Attacks

US Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman lashed out at the Palestinian Authority (PA) for refusing to condemn separate terror attacks over the last few days, in a statement on Twitter.

“Tragedy in Israel. Two young soldiers, Netanel Kahalani and Ziv Daos, murdered in the North, and father of 4, Adiel Kolman, murdered in Jerusalem, by Palestinian terrorists,” wrote Friedman.

“Such brutality and no condemnation from the PA! I pray for the families and the wounded. So much sadness.”



Friedman made similar remarks over two months ago and after a father of six was killed in a shooting attack near the Palestinian city of Nablus, in which he blamed the PA for the absence of peace.

“Hamas praises the killers and PA laws will provide them financial rewards,” Friedman wrote at the time. “Look no further to why there is no peace.”

The Palestinian Authority has refused to stop its long-held practice of financially rewarding terrorists and the family members of terrorists. This past December, the US House of Representatives passed the Taylor Force Act in a voice vote that would condition US foreign aid to the PA on ending violence and terrorism.

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Israeli President Reuven Rivlin took the opportunity to implicitly criticize the PA, while speaking at a conference in Tel Aviv on Monday that was sponsored by the Israeli media outlet, TheMarker.

“Whoever gives shelter, pays murderers and encourages incitement is cooperating with terror and becomes an enemy of Israel and the free world,” Rivlin said.

“The terror in the streets of our capital Jerusalem, where Jews and Arabs lived together for hundreds of years, is a disaster for all its residents and we will not allow it to become an accepted reality,” Rivlin continued. “We will fight it to the bitter end, and we are able to do so.”


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Source: Israel in the News