Trump Urges Viewing of Hamas Atrocity Film 

Trump Urges Viewing of Hamas Atrocity Film 

Few works in modern documentary filmmaking have sparked as much controversy and debate as “Screams Before Silence.” Produced by Sheryl Sandberg, the former chief operating officer of Facebook, and directed by acclaimed filmmaker Julia Masters, this gripping documentary delves into the harrowing experiences of victims of sexual abuse and rape perpetrated by Palestinians and Hamas on October 7. 

One of the most surprising endorsements for the film came from former President Donald Trump, who took to social media to urge his followers to see it. In a tweet that ignited its own storm of controversy, Trump wrote, “Everyone should watch ‘Screams Before Silence’ – it exposes the deep state corruption that I fought against. This film will open your eyes!”

Trump is referring to the claims made by many of the victims featured in the film who claim to have been silenced by powerful figures in society. 

“The Documentary, ‘Screams before Silence,’ is incredibly difficult to watch because, sadly, it graphicly portrays the Death and Destruction that Hamas has unleashed,” Trump wrote on his social media platform, Truth Social. “I urge people to support the Documentary and watch, if able.  We demand that all Hostages taken October 7th from Israel, and being held in Gaza, be released immediately, including eight Americans, and Citizens from over twenty other Countries, so that the war can come to an end. PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH!”

View of the destruction caused by Hamas terrorists on Oct 7 2023 in Kibbutz Kfar Aza near the Israeli Gaza border in southern Israel Nov 2 2023 Photo by Arie Leib AbramsFlash90 source JNS

Joey Low made the film as a nonprofit project and released it for free in multiple languages and on various platforms, including YouTube, to present Hamas’s actions to the public. 

“Let people see how evil Hamas is,” Low explained. “We know it here, but around the world the media is doing a really good job of suppressing it. We have to stand up and show the world who Hamas is.”

Premiering at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival last month, the film has become a lightning rod for discussion, drawing both fervent praise and vehement criticism. At the heart of the documentary lies a series of compelling narratives from whistleblowers, activists, and survivors who allege various forms of suppression and intimidation. From corporate malfeasance to government cover-ups, “Screams Before Silence” paints a stark portrait of individuals who risked everything to expose the truth, only to face retaliation and marginalization.

The film’s title derives from Sanberg’s interview with Tali Binner, who was at the Nova music festival. “I started to hear the yelling of women. I heard a girl that started to yell for a long time, “Binner told Sandberg. “She was asking someone to stop. So, when I hear … someone scream and then silence, I knew that it’s probably someone got shot.”

Additionally, the film includes testimonies about rape and sexual assaults by members of ZAKA and other witnesses during the massacre at the Nova Festival and in other places in Israel where the attack took place.

ZAKA search and rescue volunteers at Kibbutz Be’eri identify the bodies of Israelis slain by Hamas terrorists from Gaza, Oct. 11, 2023. Credit: ZAKA.
(source: JNS)

Trump’s endorsement immediately polarized public opinion, with supporters hailing it as a validation of the film’s message and detractors dismissing it as a political ploy. However, Trump is not alone in his support. The documentary has garnered praise from various quarters for its meticulous research and compelling storytelling. Critics have lauded Masters’ directorial prowess in weaving together disparate narratives into a cohesive and thought-provoking narrative that challenges viewers to confront uncomfortable truths about power and accountability.

Attempts have also been made to debunk the film. Electronic Intifada, a pro-Palestinian website, described the movie as” a total fraud”, adding the stunning claim,”Seven months after that day, Israel has still not identified a single survivor of the alleged mass rapes on 7 October, nor a single credible eyewitness. While Israel claims that many Israeli women and even some men were raped and sexually tortured in horrific ways on 7 October, before being killed, not one deceased victim has been identified either.”

“There is no forensic evidence to support the rape claims nor does Israel say it has a single video showing the allegedly systematic, widespread and pre-planned sexual attacks actually taking place – even though Israel says it has retrieved tens or even hundreds of thousands of videos and photos from that day.”

These claims were echoed by more than 50 tenured professors from top journalism schools who wrote to The New York Times, urging the newspaper to “immediately commission a group of journalism experts to conduct a thorough and full independent review of the reporting, editing and publishing processes for this story and release a report of the findings.”

Qatar-based Al Jazeera stated that the claims in “Screams Without Words” “have since been revealed to be unsubstantiated, demonstrating the New York Times‘ pro-Israeli/anti-Palestinian bias and leaving the paper’s newsroom riven by dissent.”

Ironically, Sandberg stated that one of the motives for making the film was to combat the denialism of the claims of Hamas’ sex crimes.

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