Trump aims to strengthen ‘success story’ of Israel-US relationship

Trump and Netanyahu

Trump expressed a desire to strengthen the “success story” of the US-Israel relationship during his upcoming visit to the Jewish state.

In an exclusive statement released to Israel Hayom, President Donald Trump expressed a desire to strengthen the “success story” of the US-Israel relationship during his upcoming visit to the Jewish state.

“I am honored to accept Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s invitation to make my first visit to Israel as president, where I will emphasize the need to strengthen the partnership between Israel and the United States, a partnership that has been a success story for years and years,” Trump wrote.

A large part of that agenda will deal with countering common security threats emanating from Iran and terrorist groups operating in the region.

“We will discuss a number of regional issues that are a source of common concern for us, including the need to act against the threats posed to Iran and its proxies, and the threat from ISIS and the threat posed by other terrorist organizations,” Trump added.

He also touched on his hope to jumpstart a Middle East peace process.

“We will also discuss ways to promote a genuine and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians,” Trump said.  “I look forward to this constructive and wonderful visit, which will take place later this month.”

Trump’s visit to Israel will take place a day before the city of Jerusalem celebrates the 50th anniversary of “Jerusalem Day,” marking the capital’s reunification after the Six-Day War in 1967. Most recently, Israeli officials denied a report suggesting that the Trump administration had rejected a request by Israel that the US president delay his trip.

Trump and his entourage will be staying at the King David hotel, which is the usual choice of venue for senior government officials visiting Jerusalem. During the US president’s stay, the entire hotel and its 233 rooms will be used exclusively by the US delegation.

By: United with Israel Staff

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Source: United with Israel