Torah more important than Covid Testing, Biden to meet with Antisemite, and Palace from King Josiah’s Era Uncovered

Torah more important than Covid Testing, Biden to meet with Antisemite, and Palace from King Josiah’s Era Uncovered

In a highly controversial ruling, Israel’s most respected Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky decreed that Yeshiva (religious seminary) students should refuse coronavirus testing because potential quarantine takes away from studying the Bible.

The announcement comes at a highly sensitive time as a record spike in coronavirus cases in the Jewish State totalling over 3,000 in just 24 hours. Could this be the beginning of a bigger schism between government regulations and the God-fearing Jews who no longer trust them?

In what some are calling divine retribution, just months after the Hague made the decision to investigate Israel for “war crimes”, President Trump dropped the hammer slapping sanctions on ICC chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and Phakiso Mochochoko, head of The Hague court’s Jurisdiction, Complementarity and Cooperation Division, were sanctioned for the court’s “illegitimate attempts to subject Americans to its jurisdiction.

Joe Biden is set to meet with the father of Jacob Blake whose antisemetic social media posts have raised a lot of eyebrows. Will the meeting prompt life-long Jewish Democrats to think twice come November?

Archaeologists have uncovered a rare palace from the era of the Judean Kings. The castle is estimated to have been in use between the reign of King Hezekiah and King Josiah.

Finally, French President Emmanuel Macron lost his cool after confronting a reporter who exposed his secret meeting with a top Hezbollah leader.

And Rabbi Tuly Weisz sat down with bestselling author and international statesman, Michael Oren to discuss his new book, “The Night Archer and Other Stories.” In this interview, Ambassador Oren explains to Rabbi Tuly Weisz how, as a man of faith, the Bible impacts his love for writing. Oren discusses why pro-Israel Christians should read Jewish fiction and describes the “Paradox of Freedom” which explains why Passover, the holiday of liberation, has so many restrictions. Finally, Dr. Oren expresses his concern over the upcoming US election, and what he hopes from both candidates Trump and Biden.


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