‘They Kill, We Build’: Israelis Establish New Community to Honor Stabbing Attack Victim

‘They Kill, We Build’: Israelis Establish New Community to Honor Stabbing Attack Victim
Mateh Binyamin region of Samaria

One day after Rabbi Shai Ohayon was murdered in a terror attack, Israeli families established a brand new community in the Binyamin region in his honor.

By United with Israel Staff

In response to a horrific stabbing attack in Petah Tikva last week, three Israeli families gathered with dozens of youth volunteers to establish the “Ma’ale Shai” settlement in honor of the victim of that incident, 39-year-old Rabbi Shai Ohayon.

The families erected four residential structures and carried out other activities necessary to make way for a new community, TPS reported.

Ma’ale Shai’s founders were quoted by TPS as saying that their motivation is “to prevent the growing Arab takeover” of this area of Samaria, which is known as Mateh Binyamin.

The establishment of Ma’ale Shai is also part of a policy among some residents of Judea and Samaria to establish new communities in response to murderous Palestinian terror attacks.

Following Ohayon’s murder, the Palestinian media referred to him as a “settler” in an attempt to justify his murder, despite the fact that he was killed in a centrally located Israeli city, Petah Tikva.

Ohayon was a rabbi and father of four and was known as a beloved Torah teacher in the town of Kfar Saba.


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