The Israel Bible Game a Hit with Readers Worldwide

The Israel Bible online. (Photo: Breaking Israel News)

Ever dream of becoming a Biblical shepherd, scribe, judge, prophet or king? The Israel Bible website is offering just that opportunity through its innovative approach in using “gamification” to increase engagement with the text of the Bible.

The Israel Bible is the world’s only Bible which makes the Land of Israel, the People of Israel, and the God of Israel the main focal point of scriptural studies which, as Rabbi Tuly Weisz, founder of Israel365, editor of The Israel Bible, and an Orthodox rabbi, explained to Breaking Israel News, has not been properly explored until now.

Rabbi Tuly Weisz (Photo: Breaking Israel News)
Rabbi Tuly Weisz Photo Breaking Israel News

“Through our outstanding staff of leading rabbis and Biblical scholars, The Israel Bible provides original commentary along with thought provoking questions and discussions that focus on God’s special connection to the Holy Land, its people and the depth of the Hebrew language all in a fun and enlightening package,” said Rabbi Weisz.

By incorporating gamification (the use of game principles to improve learning and engagement) into The Israel Bible, participants earn points while doing their Bible studies online. As one accrues more points, he or she receives a higher Biblical title, implying greater Bible knowledge.

Herman Arentsen, a “scribe” who has already amassed 962 points on The Israel Bible website, is a self-described non-practicing Jew from the Netherlands. Judaism was never mentioned in his home growing up for fear of anti-Semitic backlash.  

“I had been attracted all my life to study the Bible,” Arentsen told Breaking Israel News. “By studying The Israel Bible through the internet, a new way has opened up to me. I was a little bit afraid of swimming in these waters all on my own. But the free interaction and especially this interactive Bible is giving me the necessary self-trust. I can even teach myself the quick reading of Hebrew thanks to the transcription and the audio of the verses.”

Get a FREE e-Book of Inspirational Bible Verses with The Israel Bible reading plan. Sign up today!

Dedicated online participant and The Israel Bible “prophet”, with 9254 points already accumulated, Phyllis Pearson expressed her “love of the reading program” to Breaking Israel News. The 73-year-old Scottish-born Baptist who presently lives in New Zealand shared that she has some Jewish ancestry and was seeking a way to study scripture from a Jewish perspective. The Israel Bible was the answer to her prayers.

Given her first Bible in 1953 while a student at a Baptist Sunday School, Pearson still cherishes this gift “though the print is too small for my old eyes,” she said. “I am disabled. So I am grateful to have this opportunity to learn as my PC is my window to the world.”

Deciding that it was time to “follow the Lord”, she renewed her dedication to reading the Bible. “I have a few different Bible translations and always enjoyed reading and study, but none have the ability of drawing me in like The Israel Bible,” she explained. “I’m drawn to read more each day. I love the Weekly Torah Portion and that I can ask questions and make comments which makes study a lot more personal. Also, the music videos are a great idea! The Israel Bible has made my walk with God much richer.”

Though The Israel Bible was compiled with an Orthodox Jewish perspective, the Bible study program is intended to share Jewish teachings with Christian bible students as well. “With Israel constantly being vilified by the media and global leadership, it is crucial for as many people as possible to know God’s desires for the Holy Land through accurate study of the Bible. Together, I believe that we can make a difference in history,” said Rabbi Weisz.

To sign up for The Israel Bible Reading Plan, click here.

The post The Israel Bible Game a Hit with Readers Worldwide appeared first on Breaking Israel News | Israel Latest News, Israel Prophecy News.

Source: Israel in the News