Terrorists burn down Jewish house in Samaria: Sleeping inhabitants miraculously escape

Terrorists burn down Jewish house in Samaria: Sleeping inhabitants miraculously escape

In the Oz Etzion hilltop village in the Samaria region of Israel, terrorists lobbed on Thursday morning firebombs at a Jewish home in what is being called a clear case of attempted murder.

As soon as the house was set ablaze, the home’s inhabitants managed to escape by jumping out of the windows. One Molotov cocktail landed next to the mattress causing the man who slept there to suffer from burns to his leg. The terrorists also threw firebombs outside of the house causing the front yard to go up in flames. According to security sources, at least six firebombs were thrown.

Many are calling it a ‘miracle’ that only one victim suffered light injuries while three others suffered from smoke inhalation. They were all treated at the scene. A total of four occupants were present in the home at the time of the attack. The perpetrators are believed to have come from the Arab village of Burqa. The attack took place at 3:00 in the morning.
The IDF said in a statement that they are searching the area for the perpetrators.

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