Terrorist Posts Intentions On FB Before Attack

Mahmoud Abbas (Photo: Issam Rimawi/Flash90)

On Friday afternoon, an Arab terrorist was shot and killed by IDF Border Policemen after trying to stab them. It was reported that during riots in the town of Silwad near Ofra and Ramallah, the man drove his car at the soldiers. After his car crashed, he got out of the car and attempted to attack them with a knife. The soldiers shot and killed him. No Israelis were hurt in the attack.

The terrorist, identified as Abed Raed Abdullah Hamad, 20, posted a message on Facebook about an hour before the attack making his intentions  clear:

“Dad, Mom, may God protect you, keep you safe, and keep you precious on this Friday. … Mom don’t cry over me, I need your prayers. Dad, may you be satisfied with me; you have brought up a man.”

Raymond Ibrahim's Book

A large demonstration gathered as Israeli authorities returned Hamad’s body and Fares Kadouri, a senior member in the Palestinian Authority(PA), attended. PA President Mahmoud Abbas declared Hamad a “heroic martyr”.

Also on Friday afternoon, during riots in Beit Fajar near Bethlehem, IDF troops opened fire at two Arab men when they saw they were holding a gun. One Arab Man was killed, and the other was lightly injured.

On Saturday night, an 18 year-old Arab terrorist attempted to perpetrate a stabbing attack at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem’s Old City but was prevented by Border Patrol Policemen.

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Source: Israel in the News