Terror in Petah Tikvah: Six Wounded, Terrorist Neutralized With Sewing Machine [VIDEO]

A Palestinian went on a shooting and stabbing rampage in a crowded open air market in Petach Tikvah Thursday afternoon, wounding six Israelis.

The scene in Petah Tikva February 9 2017 Photo by Flash90

At approximately 4:40 in the afternoon, a 19-year old from Shechem (Nablus) opened fire, and began stabbing bystanders with a screwdriver after his rifle jammed. Y Net news reported he fled the scene , entering a sewing machine store.

“Some of the people finally managed to neutralize the terrorist by throwing a sewing machine at him. Eyewitnesses said that while he was lying on the ground, neutralized, he kept screaming, ‘Help, help.’”

The terrorist was arrested and taken to the hospital for treatment.

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MDA Emergency responders report that two men and two women were wounded in the attack, including a man and woman in their 50’s, a man in his 40’s, and a woman in her 30’s.

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Source: Israel in the News