Stabbing Foiled Near Jerusalem after Two Attacks in the Capital

Jerusalem terror

A stabbing that was foiled southeast of Jerusalem occurred after two consecutive terror attacks in the capital.

A Palestinian terrorist reportedly tried stabbing IDF soldiers at “HaKiosk Checkpoint,” southeast of Jerusalem, Tuesday afternoon at around 3 o’clock. Brandishing a knife, he ran towards the checkpoint, screaming Allahu Akhbar (God is great). He was shot after ignoring repeated orders to stop.

All three incidents were knife attacks. The first – committed at approximately 12:30 p.m. by young boys, ages 12 and 13 – involved the stabbing of a security guard at a light rail station. The second attack, just a few minutes after the first, was also prevented when Israeli security forces shot a terrorist running with a knife in the Old City.

Stabbings and vehicular attacks are the most common form of Palestinian terror throughout Israel during the current wave of violence, which began with intensity in September.

Click here for an updated chronology of Palestinian terror attacks since September 14, 2015.

By: United with Israel Staff

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Source: United with Israel