Shooting Attack in Gush Etzion, One Injured

hamas terror gun

A 30 year-old Israeli man was shot in the leg while driving between Efrat and Tekoa in Gush Etzion. He is being treated in Shaarei Tzedek Hospital where he is in moderate condition. There are no reports about the terrorist.

Though many thought the wave of terror that has plagued Israel for ten months was calming down, violent incidents have seen a recent upsurge. On Thursday morning, IDF troops in Hebron arrested an Arab woman with a knife outside the Cave of the Patriarchs.

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Last Wednesday, an Arab man drove his car into an IDF vehicle at the entrance to Neve Daniel,  also in Gush Etzion. Three soldiers were lightly wounded, while the driver responsible was seriously injured.

On Tuesday, a female terrorist tried to stab two soldiers at a bus stop near Ariel in Samaria. A soldier shot and critically wounded her.

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Source: Israel in the News