Rise in Shooting Attacks as Terror Continues

Shooting attacks are on the rise as terror attacks continue, though thankfully, no Israelis were injured in this decidedly violent week.


On Tuesday, there was a shooting incident at an IDF roadblock near the community of Ofra, carried out using an improvised weapon. There were no Israeli casualties and the two shooters were apprehended.

Two separate attacks took place in the space of three hours on Wednesday. Just before seven in the evening, a Palestinian man rammed his pickup truck into a bus stop near the city of Kochav Yaakov. Tragedy was averted by the metal barriers installed at the bus stop. Nearby IDF troops opened fire, killing the terrorist as he attempted to exit the vehicle. Upon inspection it was discovered the driver was holding a knife when he was shot. The driver was later identified by the Palestinian health ministry as Hussein Salem Abu Ghosh, 24, from Qalandiya. Times of Israel reported that Abu Ghosh was the cousin of a terrorist, also named Hussein Abu Ghosh from the Qalandiya refugee camp, who killed 23-year-old Shlomit Krigman and injured another woman in the Beit Horon exactly one year ago.

At 9:30 on Wednesday, a Palestinian shot at IF troops from a moving vehicle. The soldiers returned fire, killing the terrorist.

Also on Wednesday, firebombs were thrown at the fence of Migdal Oz in Gush Etzion.

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Two shooting incidents were reported on Thursday. An IDF observation post reported gunfire near Beit Aryeh, about 20 miles north of Jerusalem. Gunfire was also reported near Route 55. No perpetrators were apprehended in the incidents.

IDF troops operating Thursday morning near Jenin came under attack by local residents who threw firebombs and explosives at the soldiers. The soldiers were on a mission to apprehend two Hamas operatives wanted by the defense establishment. The suspects were apprehended but one soldier suffered moderate injuries.

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Source: Israel in the News